Friday, 12 March 2010

PLC Awards 2010

The PLC Awards 2010 defied the economic downturn with a glittering demonstration of City success stories. It was attended by over a thousand high-flying CEOs, investment bankers, fund managers, City advisors and of course, the finest of London’s financial PRs – including several Abchaps – who gathered in the Great Room of the fantastic Grosvenor Hotel on Park Lane on the evening of the 11th March.

The three course meal and flowing wine created a tough environment for the awards presenter, news reader Kate Silverton, who gallantly attempted – albeit with limited success! – to maintain control over the upbeat crowd. Britvic, Weatherspoon and Mothercare were amongst the prestigious winners of the evening and the joviality, boosted by the unstoppable one-liners from comedian Milton Jones, continued into the early hours of the morning as the gathering progressed to the bar.

Abchurch hosted a table and was joined by clients and journalists as well as a sterling group of financial services representatives including analysts & financiers. In particular, we were pleased to have the BBC’s Business Reporter Joe Lynam (@jblynam) on our table – we hope he found it more of a success than his recent conversation with Lloyds’ Eric Daniels! The conversation flowed more freely than the wine throughout the evening though it did mean that memories were blurred by the next morning!

Thank you to the excellent organisers and guests and we look forward to seeing you at the awards next year!


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