Thursday 29 January 2009

A word from the Abchief

Welcome to the first Abchat blog post! The holiday season is over, 2009 is well upon us, we're braced for a busy year and how better to start it than a brand spanking new Abchurch blog?

With the emergence of new media outlets which are now key in sharing knowledge, fuelling discussions and forming (and cementing) opinions, we thought it was high time we started embracing this online culture. Blogging will be a great way to share our knowledge and expertise, as well as giving our clients, business partners and anyone else who has an interest in media, an insight into what life in the PR industry in London is really like.

So what will you find on our blog? Hopefully a variety of things from what we are reading in the papers – the big stories and issues affecting the City – to advice on what companies should be doing in terms of media relations in the current economic climate. We’ll have news on the events we’re attending, who we’ve been meeting and general Abchat topics.

Abchat is a light-hearted informal exchange of views and news. Hopefully – while not being too controversial – we will provide food for thought, stimulate discussion about issues that are affecting the City, and to that end we encourage readers to comment and debate, ask questions and leave opinions. Comments are unrestricted but in the interest of good practice they will go through a checking process to avoid any offence! We want to engage with the online community and hope that this will be a great way of doing it. Please do participate to help keep this site fresh, lively and fun!


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